Tomorrow will mark the Epiphany.
Epiphany has several meanings, and one is “a sudden revelation or insight”.
Epiphany also is a notable day in the Church, celebrating when the wise men found Jesus, thereby representing when all Gentiles then found Jesus.
We seem to be living in a time of continued insight and revelation, to all sorts of information, and it can be confusing or overwhelming. It’s important to keep in mind this: Truth is never silent. We just sometimes need to do a better job at paying attention.
The wise men, who sought truth by looking to the stars, finally found it. The ultimate Truth. God’s love come from heaven to earth. They didn’t even understand all of what it meant yet. How could they? Whether they understood it or not had no bearing on whether it was true.
We are all wise men. At first, at least. We are seeking truth, turning over rocks, looking for understanding. Big truths, little truths. All of it.
Sometimes we find it, and keep it. Other times we might return those pieces holding truth back to their place- in disbelief, or to cover it from our eyes, try ignore it.
Because it’s too hard or too unreasonable or unfathomable.
It will not cease to be true.
When we find truth or Truth, we can choose to be like children, cover our ears, close our eyes, and wish it to go away. Worse yet, we could choose to be like King Herod, who when he found out the truth, felt that it would jeopardize his position. And so he sought to destroy it.
Herod’s plan to destroy the truth didn’t work out, by the way. The truth accomplished what it came to earth to accomplish. Even if others didn’t know what even happened. Truth always triumphs, even when people don’t accept it. Even when it doesn’t look like anyone was hoping.
One of my favorite Christmas cards of all says , “Wise men still seek Him.”
We can choose to be wise men if, after finding truth, we don’t walk away from it. Especially the biggest truth of all, of the baby who would save us from ourselves. We can come, too, and kneel before the One who Is.
Truth requires humility and faith, both. Truth can’t be ignored forever, and it is never is forgotten. Once someone knows truth, even a sliver of it, they will always know it. Even if, or rather when, their mind tries to talk them out of it.
Your heart will still always know.
Truth doesn’t disappear. Truth is not silent, nor will stay hidden forever. We just sometimes need to do a better job of paying attention. Truth never lies. We just tell ourselves some or a lot of those.
My prayer this year is for more LOVE and UNDERSTANDING. See, sometimes lies start with misunderstanding. So I would like to find more of both. With continued discovery, and uncovering. Maybe you would like to join me.
It is wise to never stop seeking truth. Those that do are on a continued journey of discovery. Oh, to be a wise man, who hears, who humbles himself, and who shares with others. Even if you’re not sure what anyone will do, yourself among them, when you find it. Truth is not intimidated by anything. It changes things when it speaks.
Truth is, Jesus IS truth. The way, the Truth, the Life, according to scripture. So if you want to find truth, sure you can read as many articles as you can. You can peruse the internet. You can ask a lot of questions.
For me, the best question I can ever ask is to the Truth himself. Jesus what do you say?” Not “what would Jesus do?” But, rather “Jesus, what are you doing?” The first question is that of a dead religion. The second is to a living, breathing savior. Who longs to reveal himself.
Because this Truth, this Jesus? He’s worth trusting. He is worth finding.
He brings with himself more understanding. Even if you don’t get a clear answer right away, or maybe even ever, you can’t ever go wrong asking and trusting Him. Who IS truth. Even of what we don’t yet understand. Getting closer to Him will always always always be worth it.