Why is obedience and submission so important to God, anyway? Ever wonder how the same God who talks about freedom can place such heavy emphasis on obedience also? It can feel contrary. Which one is it?
It’s because without obedience to a perfect God, there is never true freedom. See, there’s always someone in charge. It’s either us, our desires, or the people around us and theirs. All of us, fallen and imperfect, even when we’re trying to be otherwise.
Look around. Most of the mess exist in the world or even in our own lives because of some man’s decisions, some person’s expression of free will and choice, which created some type of consequence. Intended or otherwise, they set in motion a chain of events.
Why does man make a horrible leader? Because they often tell you or lead you ultimately to what works best for them. Maybe you too, but often them as well. It’s hard for man to leave himself out of the equation, even just a little. It’s not even necessarily BAD. It’s just a part of human nature to be self-seeking and self-caring. It’s a nature of survival, probably.
Is that really true servant leadership? Does that even exist? It might be hard to find, but it’s supposed to be the goal. “Those who wish to be greatest among you must be servant of all.” It’s very counter intuitive. Counter culture at its core. Even if you find that it’s attempted, there are failures. There probably always will be.
What’s so different about God? He works things out for his good pleasure to. But His pleasure is exactly that: good. It’s good to the core, as good as He is, which is perfect. We can’t imagine, we can’t seem to wrap our hearts around it. But as Bob Sorge says, “if I believe any of it is true I must believe all of it is.”
It’s not that there won’t be good counsel or wise advice. Hopefully there will be plenty of it. But at the core it is not perfect, completely impartial nor accurate. Which is exactly why God values obedience to Himself first and foremost. Because He is Good. He can’t be manipulated or controlled, nor does He seek to control us.
No matter what lies you may have been told or shown by those who try to follow Him, He is not a set of rules and regulations and requirements. He is Good and He is Love. He has given us free will, and so much room to roam, and to run.
Last fall I was standing at the edge of a great lake, praying. I was praying for our nation, for our world, for people. Praying for God’s mercy and Love to win, for God to protect us and lead us, for God’s purposes to come about. I felt His presence, and felt so much Love. Then I noticed a sign there by the edge of the overlook. It was a warning, yellow stick figure sign, and the poor soul was falling down the cliff. It struck me to my core. Behind me was so much room. Acres and acres and rolling hills and grass, fields and trails to roam and explore. Picnic tables, benches, places for people to enjoy, playgrounds to climb. Just don’t go over the edge.
That is like the request of obedience that God gives us. Just don’t go over the edge. Don’t go the place or do the things that will lead to your own destruction. See the signs. Follow wisdom, and enjoy all of the freedoms that are available. Stay away from that which leads to destruction.
That edge might be different for everyone. Because your wide open space probably looks different than your neighbors, too. As in, whatever good places and spaces God has for you. It’s not that anyone’s is worse or better, just different. But it doesn’t really matter. What matters is if you listen, He will tell you what He has for you. And God won’t let you walk off a cliff that easily.
God has good things planned, good places for you to rest your head, to dance your heart out, the run, unencumbered. Maybe stop hanging out on the edge, dancing around the perimeter, wondering why you feel something is telling you to be careful. Maybe step onto the wide places of what God has for you, instead. Listen for His voice, let Him tell you what He has for you. It is good and it is lovely. It is freedom, and you get there by obedience. To Him.
There is nothing bad in Him. Come out from the shadows and be free.
👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 Truth! And the truth shall set us free!
Yeessss!! 💃🏼