It was summer in the morning
When fall slipped in for dinner.
And we changed from our swimsuits as
Summer slowly started slipping quietly
out the back door,
While football played.
Then the rain started and we
Weren’t quite sure
That we wanted it here.
No we were quite sure we didn’t.
No, not today
Though the ground’s desperate for it,
Our skin is desperate for the warmth of sun,
Our faces long, more for the glorious,
generous, summer’s breeze.
We know what’s coming.
But yet, not.
We can’t imagine.
We just want to stay and linger
here a while,
In the warmth of the sun, for
Before too long, it’s gone.
If not, at least
hidden, away,
Under a blanket of a different name
and season.
One that we won’t rush away.
But, so too,we don’t
wish away this one right here.
Summer, we know you’re fading,
But our hearts are warm still
To your touch.
Our love is waxing, never waning
from what you bring.
And we’re not ready
And you’re not really,
gone yet.
Though autumn knocks,
We wait a while to answer.
For now we will just
leave this door open, here
So you can slip in and out
As you please
We do, welcome your warmth
(But please, keep the lesser things,
like the not-quite-bees)
We will linger here
Just like you.
One glorious foot in the door of each season.
Not forever,
Not dreading, change,
As much as welcoming it, slowly.
One bare, tender, foot
At a time
Like a swimmer, immersed in water,
For one last dip,
ready to emerge,
To step out into the cool air next.
Like we’ve done so many time before.
But first.
We memorize