Christmas seems to arrive a little earlier every year, and this year it feels like we went from Halloween to full blown Christmas in about ten days time.
I returned from a trip last week to find my hometown transformed. The store are twinkling with lights, garland, and red bows. Social media feeds are suddenly filled with flocked trees, while the pumpkins on my front porch are covered in a deep white snow. Christmas is beautiful and magical, but I wonder if I’m ready. Last night even my two year old jumped in with both feet as he exclaimed, “Look!! It’s CHRISTMAS time!” with wide eyed wonder as he saw Santa and his sleigh shoot across the tv screen. I slightly melted in my resistance then.
But you want to know what really changed my mind about this whole early Christmas thing? Christmas Children’s books! Those things are the best. I could read them year round, and some we do. But our bookshelves are bursting, so we have to rotate most of them.
One morning this week, a few days after I entered this mashup world of Thanksgiving and Christmas , my kids noticed our collection tucked high on a shelf. They asked (begged) me to get them down. Well, I did, and suddenly, everything changed. I was ready for Christmas.
As much as I love all children’s books, I am an absolute sucker for a Christmas book. I adore the chance to read them to my little loves. Add in a cozy snuggle and maybe a cup of something warm for us to sip, and I’m practically in heaven. (Christmas tree optional right now.)
I’m going to share the best of the best as I see them with you. Save this page for great gift ideas,too!
Mortimer’s Christmas Manger by Karma Wilson
When I first found this book over ten years ago, I loved it so much that I bought a copy for all of the young families that I knew- nieces and nephews, the boys that I cared for, my own possible future children. It’s a story about a young, scrappy mouse named Mortimer who “nobody knew..and Mortimer liked it that way.” It’s about finding a home and the best gift that waits for all of us near the Christmas tree. “A baby born to save the world…. perhaps you could make room for me too?” This one is a treasure. Enjoy reading it aloud with the kids in your life, or even to yourself. Then let me know if you can make it through without a tear rolling down your not-so-furry-little cheek. I sure couldn’t!
The Best Christmas Pageant Ever by Barbara Robinson
This is an off beat kind of a Christmas tale. I loved, and still own the soft covered, only slightly tattered chapter book from grade school. I loved the story, even if I didn’t love the Herdmans. I don’t want to spoil the ending, but let’s just say that the Herdmas bring a certain flair to the Christmas pageant, and it isn’t really pretty. But it ends up being the MOST beautiful. At my young age, my pigtails and cute dresses, I couldn’t quite identify with the wild Herdmans, with all of their mess and chaos. But yet, maybe, somehow I did (and I most certainly do now.) All of us have a little Herdman in us. And all of us need the true meaning of the Christmas message: love, grace, acceptance and belonging, no matter how unpolished and dirty we are. We are of ultimate value, as shown by the incredible gift of that baby long ago.
Drummer Boy by Loren Long
Okay, you want to go deep while you read a seemingly simple and clear story? This is it. The story is about a toy drummer boy who gets misplaced and then lost on a continued loop. He ends up journeying all over town, and in the most unlikely places. Everywhere he goes he does what he knows best. He plays his drum. In the trash heap, on top of the church steeple, buried in the snow. He bravely shares his gift. He does what he knows best how to do. Slowly, his journey unfolds, and he eventually finds himself in the most amazing spot of all. It is beautifully illustrated and as an adult, I see myself in his journey, in so many different places, from loved and cherished to lost and afraid. Where you might find yourself cannot always be decided or chosen. Ultimately, you can only control what you do when you’re there. The drummer boy bravely shared his gifts, and he always always inspires me to share mine and I bet he will inspire you, too. (Let me know if you can make it through without crying on this one too.)
Christmas With The Mousekins by Maggie Smith
If you and your family would like a little company while you wait for Christmas to arrive, this adorable mouse family might be the perfect fit. They too, are waiting and preparing for the big day, and they have lots to do. You’ll watch them make gifts for one another, bake, sled, and decorate, with thoughtfulness and anticipation, mirroring your family’s own excitement. There are detailed and beautiful illustrations and several pages of recipes and crafts that you can try while you wait, too! It’s a beautiful little treasure books, one that we look forward to every year, and a story that reminds us to think of our families and show love in lots of ways, both practical, little and big, and all thoughtful.
The Wild Christmas Reindeer by Jan Brett
Jan Brett is known for her amazingly intricate illustrations (seriously, I think they must each take her an entire year!) and timeless Christmas stories. You probably know The Gingerbread Baby and Gingerbread Friends. This is one of the less widely known stories, but I’m gonna tell you, this ones for you, mom and dad. I mean, everyone can enjoy it. But if you’re anything like me, you might see yourself in the young sweet Teeka. She was placed in charge of Santa’s reindeer, which is no small task. She finds their excitement, exuberance and general strength hard to manage as they prepare for their big Christmas flight. She gets frustrated and scolds them, making matters only worse. (Anyone have some wild Christmas reindeer to manage sometimes?!). Teeka learns how to practice being gentle and kind and finds it’s the most powerful strategy of all. Enjoy reading this story to your wild reindeer and hope it brings a calm and kind perspective to all of you.
Whether you’re a parent, a teacher, a caretaker, a grandparent, an aunt, uncle, or friend, you hopefully you found something new that you could share with the ones that you love this Christmas. The all make great additions to any library and especially thoughtful and fantastic gifts. I have always said that giving a book is giving one of the best gifts possible- the promise of time well spent. ❤️ Grab one of these books, pull a child that you love close, and make the most of this season and of these precious days.
PS. All of these books can be found at your favorite retailer, in store or online, and of course at your local library. You might even have one already! They come in a variety of formats- hardcover, softcover, used and even ebooks. Here are a few links in case you’re looking for it to be easy. None of them are sponsored and I receive no profit from any of them (though there’s nothing wrong with that, I just don’t do that at this point.) I’m just sharing because I love them so much, and know you will too!
Mortimer’s Christmas Manger (only $5.71!)
The Best Christmas Pageant Ever
Drummer Boy
Christmas With The Mousekins
The Wild Christmas Reindeer