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Just Remember, Friend, You’re In Control

Just Remember, Friend, You’re In Control

Is something happening that feels out of your control? Does some situation at work or home have you feeling defeated, discouraged, or down? First of all, I’m sorry. So sorry, whatever it is. But I’m here to remind you of something really important. No matter what it...

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Excited To Be At The Barre (Barre Blend, that is)

Excited To Be At The Barre (Barre Blend, that is)

I started something new this week, which sounds so clique the first week of January, and is not my usual thing to do. Except this time, it is! I started a 60 day Barre Blend workout program today. While today was only day one, I did the sample workout a few times...

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Happy “You Nears”

Happy “You Nears”

Happy New Year! Happy You Nears! No, that’s not a typo. It’s my new mantra! My daughter accidentally said “Happy YOU NEARS!” to me yesterday afternoon on NYE. It was a rare mix up for such a vocabulary-rich five year old, and it was too cute to correct. (It was...

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Making room

Making room

It’s the weekend before Christmas and I found myself with my family, in our jammies, surrounded by piles of paper and glitter and glue, toys and games. But none of them were being used (except the ones my two year old kept getting into). We weren’t making any...

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Dealing With Disappointment, Even At Christmas

Dealing With Disappointment, Even At Christmas

It’s the most wonderful time of the year! Or is it?!? Christmas is full of possibility and full of excitement, but sometimes things don’t go as planned. Life can always throw you curve balls, even when your calendar says it should be throwing you a party. (Should...

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My Open Letter To The Girl In The Peloton Commercial

My Open Letter To The Girl In The Peloton Commercial

I need to get something off my chest. The latest social media storm of disapproval has me upset. It’s not political, and it’s not really even personal. It’s a commercial that has a fictitious character in the hot seat of commentary, and I’m not happy about it....

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Make This ONE list To Avoid Holiday Overwhelm

Make This ONE list To Avoid Holiday Overwhelm

Thanksgiving is now behind us and we’ve officially plunged into Christmas. Some are ahead of the game and already have trees up and cards ready. I tend to be a bit of a purist, and while I don’t mind seeing a tree around Thanksgiving, and even think it can makes...

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Amazing Broccoli “Cheddar” Soup

Amazing Broccoli “Cheddar” Soup

Do you love Broccoli Cheese Soup? Do you maaayyybbe wish you could feel a little better about the healthy nature of said soup? Now, I love, I mean LOVE cheese as much as the next gal, and very likely a lot more. But when you’re eating a soup with the word “broccoli”...

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Best Christmas Children’s Books

Best Christmas Children’s Books

Christmas seems to arrive a little earlier every year, and this year it feels like we went from Halloween to full blown Christmas in about ten days time. I returned from a trip last week to find my hometown transformed. The store are twinkling with lights, garland,...

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About Me

Hey, I'm Courtney, a pretty ordinary girl who thinks we've all been called to an extraordinary life and love story with God. I'm passionate about family, faith, motherhood, and the adventure of every day. I write lots of words, mostly because I can’t help it- and I think it's one of the things I was born to do. I hope that something I write encourages you, to walk in your own unique purpose and calling, set free to love and give it away, starting wherever you are today. That's what Courting the Extraordinary is all about. Finding the good all around you, and giving it away. Finding, too, the God of all goodness who wants to walk with you. I love quiet mornings, coffee, prayer and “work” before sunrise. Quality time with my family is my jam. I can be found grinning ear to ear when we're out on an adventure. Whether that's in our own backyard or exploring someplace new all-together, I’ll for sure note something beautiful about nature aloud-and maybe repeatedly, ha!. Life is a beautiful, precious gift, and an adventurous path to travel! We might as well learn how to love.


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