He knows. That sneaky devil, he knows. That if he gets to you, he can get to her. He knows that if he steals your joy, you won’t have enough to give. He knows that if you doubt your worth, that she will likely doubt hers. He knows that if he puts you down and lets you...
Connect with your heart
lead with Love
walk in your purpose
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You Thirst Too
I took the morning off one day this week. By “off” I mean to say, I took a break from my coaching work, my mom work, my house work, my home work, my wife work, my life work. All of the busy, busy, good work. I sat in my car and prayed. And cried....
Women Are Wombs
What makes a woman is not how she wears her hair or what kind of skirt she wears or doesn’t. It’s not if she has a husband or even wants one, not if she likes makeup or her feminine name. It’s not if she plays sports or does not, not if submits to others...
my feet on the edge of the ocean
Standing with feet at the edge of the ocean, I turn to my children and say, “I wonder what gift the ocean has for us today?” Fully believing myself, that each next wave might bring a treasure- a shell, a promise, a hope- tumbling out upon the shores where we stand. In...
the good paths you can’t see
I went for a run yesterday. I ran through a new, paved neighborhood. I knew there was still an unpaved part that would connect to another neighborhood that I know in the area. I could head that way, cross over into the next one and connect the two. It would make it a...
Barnes, Stables and crumbs
An Eclipse We Don’t Understand
I slipped out the door while the moon was still bright, full and glowing. Then I sat there in silence, while my family slept and my phone was tucked away. Sat like that for an hour, a blanket wrapped around me, a cup of coffee slowly growing cold in my hand. I watched...
SPILLING the ”seeds” of motherhood
I was just going through my emails and saw “Ina Garten’s Thanksgiving tips.” (It felt a little early to me. 🤷🏼♀️) Then I saw an important email that I missed from about a week ago. (That’s being generous) Right before this I read from a...
Time to get Off the bench
I’ve joked for years that I played the bench in soccer. Which is basically a hundred percent true. I practiced with the team, I did the drills, I ran the sprints, sometimes all uphill (ha!). One thing I did not to was get much playing...
Not to the swift, but the Wise
The race is not to the swift or the strong, or even the brave or the well-trained. The race is to those who keep going. Who take in the fuel that’s necessary, who keep their eyes on the prize, who keep going, slow down or rest when...