What does it mean to be an ally? 
Do I need one in this world?  Do I need to be one? 

to unite formally, as by treaty, league, marriage, or the like

The word ‘ally’ forms the basis for the word allegiance.
Well when you put it that way….

What side am I on, am I team peanut butter or team jelly? Team yes it team no. Team left or team right?

But seriously, whose team should should I be?
What about this. What if Jesus was your one true ally? The friend that sticks closer than a brother. More than any man or idea. Him. What would that look like? 
Or rather, what would it look like if I really let myself be His ?

Maybe it would look less like drawing my own lines in the sand, and more like falling in line with His. 

Maybe it would look less like taking sides, making teams, and more like being decidedly on His. 

Maybe it would mean consulting Him for His opinions more than consulting my neighbor for his. 

Maybe it would look more like loving the orphans and widows, feeding the homeless (spiritually as well as physically) and less like loving the world that broke them. 

More like telling the truth and less like telling lies. 

It would look like unity with the Father, not with man. Not of my own engineering, or to my own own ideas, ideals or structures that are built by man.

I’m not talking about compromise.
I’m talking about no compromise, about the truth that is Jesus. 
Where I give him my ashes and let Him make them something beautiful, not where I cling to the ashes and ask Him call them beautiful or somehow change the definitions. 
Finding His righteousness and seeking forgiveness for anything in me that doesn’t reflect Him. 

It would look like being more married to Him than anyone or anything else, including myself.  Not the world or even the church, but Him.  It would look like being connected to Him, like being the bride that we are supposed to be, with many talents and different callings. But united in this one purpose: to see His name glorified on the earth. 

You don’t need to know or seek what anyone else thinks about your life, your decisions, your anything.  No one needs to talk to you about what you might be doing wrong or right. Ask the Lord. Don’t ask any others.

I mean we can talk if you want. I’ll try to be an ally to the Jesus that loves you more than I do. I’ll try to listen to what you’re saying and see what it is that He’s saying, too. I’ll love you the ways He tells me, as best as I ever can It’s not my job to point out your sins or anyone else’s It is my job to point you to Jesus.

(We tend to judge one another in order to distract from our own faults, anyway.)

I have plenty of my own shortcomings and failings. I keep asking Jesus about my own. These imperfections, fault lines, they just keep showing up. So I’m going to keep crawling up on the altar myself. Care to join me?

Why don’t you talk to Jesus. 
Ask Him what He really thinks. About you. Ask him for His opinion , without clinging to one thing or the other. You might be surprised. And I’ll do the same. Let’s both ask Him to reveal Himself to us, His love, His truth. I don’t know His time schedule, and when it will happen that He shows us things.  But I know He can do it, and when we ask Him, He will.  Let’s let him.  
As much as I love you friend, let’s both let Jesus be our One, true ally.

Because if we’re both really trying to line up with Jesus, I think we’ll find that we’re already on the same team. I want to be with Him, wherever He’s going. I know He’s Good enough to love us both through this life. And on to the next. Let’s go, Team Jesus.