It’s all about snow here today! Well, mostly. Word on the local street yesterday was that we might get a big, messy snowstorm today. So naturally last night we spent time preparing our snow day dreams. We put our pajamas on backwards and dreamt about a snow day together. Truth be told, my preschooler doesn’t want to miss a day of school at this stage of her career, but I explained the magic of a snow day, the bonus of being together, all cozy and fun, and then she was all in.

Yesterday was apparently also Read Aloud Day (that’s actually every day at our house), so naturally we celebrated. We got out our stack of books from the local library and most of them had a snow theme, and they were perfect for the occasion.

I’m happy to report, all of them are worth sharing. Even though it looks like no snow day today here, I’m glad we enjoying the spirit of it. Hopefully you can too with a few of these great reads.

Take Time To Relax! By Nancy Carlson

Okay, I admit, I’m totally the one that grabbed this book off the shelf. We don’t currently do all the things that this busy little beaver family does like dance, classes, karate, lessons, etc, but momma knows that I tend to run around like that cover image, even inside the house. I could use the chance to sit down, relax, and read this book together. I’m happy to report, we all loved it! Let’s face it, we are all busier than we probably should be.

This adorable family can help us remember to slow down. They got an unexpected snow day (I didn’t know anything about the story beyond the cover. A snow day—perfect timing!). But they got something else unexpected too. They got the chance to connect and remember to share things they had all but forgotten. Stories, songs, time. You know, all the good stuff. This is the kind of book you and your little ones can enjoy over and over, a reminder to slow down and most importantly, connect. (Snow day completely optional.)

White Snow Bright Snow by Alvin Tresselt, illustrated by Roger Duvoisin

When I opened the book, the inside stamp from our library dated the intake as early 2000’s. But the quality of illustrations had me thinking this treasure was more mid- century (one of my personal jams, kid books included). Further inspection confirmed it’s first printing was in fact 1947, but the timelessness of the story has meant many reprints. In fact, there’s even a nook book version available for 99 cents! (Link below description.)

This book starts with a poem, one that the author penned after taking a walk in the snow one winter in NYC. The story and book were born with that poem. A Caldecott medal then followed, and I mean, what’s not to love about that beautiful story about the story😊.

It’s a well paced, thoughtful story about snow falling slowly, changing the landscape and the actions of a few simple characters. The putting on of boots, the slower pace, the effort for adults to carry on in their work, the joy of the kids playing in the snow. Then the snow slowly melts and you get to see a slow transformation in all of them again. It’s lovely, with the black and white text, its red, grey, yellow and orange drawings. This one is definitely a classic, geared more towards young school aged kids I would think.

Toys Meet Snow by Emily Jenkins and Paul O. Zelinsky

This was my first encounter with “the toys”, and I understand there are lots of other books where I could get to know them even better. I’m so very glad, because I love them! Whether you see yourself in the questioning Buffalo, the dreaming Stingray, or the pragmatic Ball, their interactions and discoveries can teach us all something. I love seeing things through new eyes, and this book lets you see snow through three new sets of them. Be prepared to fall a little bit in love with them as they fall a little bit in love with the snow. It’s what life is all about, after all, right there- simple moments of enjoyment and falling more in love with life.

Snow Sisters! By Kerri Kokias and Teagan White

This is an adorable story about two sisters who are very different and enjoy a snow day very differently. (At least at first!) It makes for a great read and chat with your kids. I love hearing from them as we go, which plan of action (or inaction!) do they most feel drawn to? What would they rather choose? As a borderline introvert/extrovert, I found myself torn the whole time between choosing adventure and action like the one sister, or staying in, all cozy, cuddly and recharging creatively like the second . The ending left us all completely satisfied- you can have both, just at different times and in your own way! It’s a fun experiment to think through with your kids, and a great discussions about each individual’s favorite way to enjoy an opportunity. Did I mention the illustrations are so charming?

I hope you can find a chance to enjoy one of these great reads! I’d love to hear if any of these are favorites, familiar, or newly enjoyed! Let’s connect in the comments below, or shoot me note on Instagram.

Whether you have snow today or not, here’s hoping that you have a great, cozy, or adventurous day, kind of like some of our great little book friends.
