I see a momma running around the house, one project to the next, all of them interconnected. She feels overwhelmed, and behind in every single one. Some days she does better than this. But not today.

After three complete circles around the house of unfinished business, she makes the coffee. It can help. As it brews, she sits and waits, with memory. Burdens of what she did wrong this morning already, what she will probably do wrong again later, despite her greatest wishes otherwise. She looks around and sees again all she’s still getting wrong.

She returns to the pot, even before it has finished brewing. She reaches for a cup, sets it down. She sighs out her overwhelm. This coffee may make her rattle even more, but it’s the least she can do. Maybe it’ll give her the pep or the clarity she needs to take a next step.

A song comes on, and it cuts through the noise.

“When You walk into the room, everything changes.”

She puts down the coffee cup that she didn’t even fill yet. She sits, kneels, or maybe stands right there by the cupboard. Now she remembers. With a breathe in, now, she smells a peace that she could never pour into a cup. She fills the cup with her tears, the room with the sound of her heart. Not breaking, though.

Being made more whole. She remembers now, what she needs most of all. Who she needs most. A very real presence.

“You’re what I need, Jesus.

I may need to organize my thoughts, my life better. But I need you to reorganize my heart most of all. I am so thirsty. So, so thirsty. But not for more coffee or even a smoother hamster wheel.

I need you.”

Right there in the middle of the mess of paperwork, and unrest, unmet expectations, she finds for herself a few moments. Not to recall her faults, as usual, but to consider instead the goodness of God, and His great love. It washes over her soul. Warms her more than coffee. Refreshes her weary soul. Reorganizes her hearts. Calms her troubled mind.

This is what she truly needed. And to this Maker she’ll return.

Again, and on repeat, when her soul feels empty or sorrow or scattered.

She’ll get back to the place with the one love that will never run dry. The place where her cup truly overflows.

Theres an express invitation right now for each of us. It might sound crazy, but there’s an invitation from a very Living God. To sit with him, to be with him. To walk with him in the cool of the day. To be known by him and to know him.

“I have come that you might have life” is not spoken from heavenly places, from a distant God. Not ever, and certainly not now. It is spoken from someone standing right by your side. Someone strong, kind, and loving. I’ve see Him and he radiates goodness.

“ I have come.”

This invitation is not someone else’s. It’s yours. That is the express invitation of God to the world. You don’t need full understanding or seven talking points to enter into this blessed communion. You need only one.


Your “yes” meets Jesus and everything changes. For the better, yes, but for ultimate redemption, too. You can’t get better than that, loves.

He is the answer to every prayer you have. Every. Single. One.

Take a minute or five. Wherever, however you can. See for yourself if this, if He, is what your soul needs.

“Jesus inform my heart. Calm and transform my mind. Meet with me. Renew me with your Love. Overflow from me. Because I need it. So everyone else around me..”