My mom “taught” me how to walk as a young kid. She took me along on walks after work and school. As a single mom this was her exercise, and there weren’t many options.

We’d circle the town, I’d hold my breath by the funeral homes, and we’d try to get home by dark. One time we found even our wild cat joined and walked with us for a stretch.
I’d talk her ear to death, or at least probably exhaustion. She was patient with my childhood shenanigans. We’d have quiet silence too. It was home. Home on four feet.

I see that it taught me a lot of things, without really trying.

The beauty of Motion.

The importance of a soul to find Rest.

Family connection and a heart to find home no matter where you are.

Walking is the simplest purest form of exercise. It’s low entry, it gets your mind active and your body. It helps you notice the world around you, and the elevated heart rate can relax your weary, anxious heart, too. It’s a mystery, this walking thing.

We’re invited to walk with God, too. Like Enoch did. To walk with the Lord in “the cool of the day”, like in the garden. To walk when life feels very uncool, or very hot. To walk for a new perspective, to relieve stress. To know we never walk alone.

Here, kinda grown up, as a mom now myself, I find I’m walking a lot. Another “home”. I walk in the day, I walk in the morning. I pray and walk. I walk by myself and yet sometimes invite others to join me. My kids, my friends, my husband. Literally and figuratively.

I even walk at night now. Unlike the little girl, though, I’m not afraid of the dark anymore. Or the things that a funeral home signals. Which is funny because I know more now then I knew then, and not all of it good, either. The vain imaginations of childhood have been debunked, replaced, and sometimes even confirmed.

But yet.
I know my Father more too. That makes the world of difference.
I know I’m not alone.

So here I am still walking, with a Parent. At home, in motion, with four feet. Sometimes so silent and still, always so seen and accepted. He puts up with my shenanigans too. He replaces them with peace, when I let Him. When I hand things over, I’m given better in return. Always.
Still talking a lot sometimes.
Now, though, talking things ….to life…. ❤️

And the think I love about this walking, this walking with love?

Anyone can do it. It’s a simple exercise. Everyone’s invited to this walk of walk of love, life, knowledge, connection.

Yes, you. 🚶🏻‍♂️🚶🏼🚶🏾‍♀️