I’m not sure I can properly put this into words but I’ll give it a try.
This week two of “my” “kids” fly the nest. Simultaneously as it works out. Brilliantly, in fact.
People have asked me over the years about my “career” choice. The way, when, why, how, where’s of it all. I’d never say much, but would beam at the thought of it all. The questions would often be followed by “what are you going to do NEXT?” Implying that surely this must be temporary. I would always laugh inside, quite sure I was exactly where I was supposed to be. Besides, tell me what isn’t temporary? There are only a few things and job isn’t one of them.

Some things transcend all of this. The truth is, I never “chose” a career. It chose me.
I chose a WHY.
The where, what, when, and how found me, has found me, over and over.
But most of all, the WHO found me. The kids and families I got to help and care for all these years. All whom I truly cared about, they found me. While the world might have thought my job unimpressive from the outside, or even rather ordinary, what I’ve known all along, is really ringing true. It’s anything but.✨☀️💛⭐️
What makes my path amazing is not the path itself or the particulars of it. But it’s the people that I’ve gotten to love and “serve”.

And as some of them fly the nest this week (the youngest ones at least), I know that I chose well. A passing comment, said as a compliment, really spoke more to how that person felt. Loved, cared for and seen. I never needed to be the best, I only wanted, needed to give my best. I chose not a career, but a life.

I wouldn’t trade one day- winter, spring, summer or fall- one jump in the lake, one game of whiffle ball, one book we read- for anything, and for all that it meant to be there. To help others grow, carefully, beautifully, to get to watch so very much of it.

My “why” has always been to help.
What’s yours?

The where, what, when, why, how and who of life circumstances will often change. But follow your heart. Listen to your deepest WHY. They will lead you where you’re meant to go. And your talents will make room for you.
And looking back, if you’re spending your time and talents caring for others. and really about them, you will see. ✨✨It truly is extraordinary.✨✨
The details will figure themselves out. It’s the hearts that matter most. All of them. Yours, theirs.
If you’re lucky enough, you’ll find people that support you in your endeavors. Either way, it’ll figure itself out, just keep going. When first dating my husband, he affirmed that taking care of kids is the most important job in the world. (I knew I had found a gem!)

It’s then, true now. The real truth is, taking care of people is, what’s most important. And there are a million ways to do that. Starting while young is just having the luxury of having a cleaner slate But all people need love. Investing love in others is among the best things that you’ll ever do.

While I watch some birds take off and fly today, I watch others beside me as we jump on a trampoline together. And just like that, the what keeps changing. But the why never does. IT’S LOVE.

So all the mommas (and Dads!) everywhere, keep going. Every act of love matters.
And babies, you’re extraordinary.